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Possible Topics
These were topics suggested by Kickoff Meeting participants:
Effective and proactive use of technology
Intergenerational living
Housing and living options
How to combat loneliness and isolation
Finding wisdom and meaning in aging and loss
Elder Orphans
Sharing fears, anxieties, solutions
Alzheimers, dementia facts, fears and emotions
The upside of aging
The downside of aging
Dignity in Dying
Communicating with our children, family and caregivers
End of life planning, including death, wills, funerals, estates
Coming to terms with mortality, legacies, making peace with death and dying
Male aging issues
Demographic-specific support groups: male, female, older, younger, etc.
Transition to retirement and other life changes
Storytelling, journaling or writing your life story
Service and support opportunities, such as Lovett House, Senior Living on Shepherd,
West U Senior Center, YMCA’s
How to develop a support system and a supportive network
How can I continue to have a purposeful life as an older old
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