If you want to share a book, Ted Talk, articles, or other information to be placed on our website under Resources, please email your information to: murdockmarlinn@gmail.com.
Ageless Soul, The Lifelong Journey Toward Meaning and Joy by Thomas Moore. (New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 2017). Convinces us that we age best when we embrace our age, live agelessly and remember every day to find the endless joy nestled inside our souls. Argues for a new vision of aging: as a dramatic series of initiations, rather than diminishing experience – one that each of us has the tools to live out.
On the Brink of Everything, Grace, Gravity And Growing Old by Parker J. Palmer.(Oakland, CA: Barrett-Koehler Publishers Inc. 2018). A book of reflections on what we can learn as we move closer to “the brink of everything.” Not for elders only – written to encourage adults of all ages to explore the way their lives are unfolding. Not a how-to-do-it book on aging, but a set of mediations refracting new light at every turn.
Aging with Wisdom, Reflections, Stories and Teachings by Olivia Ames Hoblitzelle,(Rhinebeck, NY: MonkFish Publishers, 2017). A combination of ancient wisdom, practical pointers, and tender stories this is a guide to a rich and challenging time of life. A book that shows how becoming an elder can be full with awakening and grace.
The Grace in Aging, Awaken as You Grow Older by Kathleen Dowling Singh, (Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2014). Streamlines vast and complex teachings into skillful means and wise views. The contemplative nature of each chapter allows for an uncommon depth of inquiry. Offers guidelines for older individuals of any wisdom tradition who wish to awaken before they die. This is spiritual practice for the lives we live.
The Gift of Years, Growing Older Gracefully by Joan Chittister (New York, NY: Blueridge Books, 2008). Not only accepting but celebrating getting old, this inspirational and illuminating work looks at the many facets of the aging process, from purposes and challenges to struggles and surprises.This collection of inspirational reflections abounds in insights.
Aging as a Spiritual Practice, A Contemplative Guide to Growing Older and Wiser by Lewis Richmond,(New York, NY: Gotham Books, 2012). A wise, compassionate book that guides readers through the four stages of aging. Incorporates illuminating facts as well as contemplative practices and guided meditations.
The Spirituality of Age – A Seeker’s Guide to Growing Older by Robert L. Weber, Ph.D. and Carol Orsborn, Ph.D.,(Rochester, Vt.: Park Street Press, 2015). A compassionate guide for transforming aging into spiritual growth. Engage with 25 questions guiding you to mine previously untapped veins of inspiration and courage. Find a constructive role for fear and regret and embrace the freedom to become more fully yourself.
Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life by Richard Rohr, San Francisco, CA: Joseph-Bass A Wiley Imprint, 2011. The author helps the reader understand the tasks of the two halves of life and to show them that those who have fallen, failed or “gone down” are the ones who understand “up”. This book explores the counter intuitive message that we grow spiritually much more by doing wrong than by doing right- a fresh way of thinking about spirituality that grows throughout life.